We are pleased to share the news that Preene Groundwater Consulting is now part of the Richter Group, which specialises in consulting for Temporary Works. We are looking forward to using our dewatering and groundwater control expertise to help our existing and new clients. Further information can be found via this link.
Dewatering Publications
Martin Preene is the author of the popular dewatering textbook Groundwater Lowering in Construction: A Practical Guide to Dewatering, Third Edition by Cashman and Preene

The book uses the authors’ extensive engineering experience to offer practical guidance on the planning, design, and implementation of groundwater control systems under real conditions. Written for practising engineers and geologists as well as postgraduate engineering students, this updated manual on design and practice provides numerous case histories and extensive references to enhance understanding, and covers subjects such as the history of dewatering, groundwater control for tunnels, working on contaminated sites, site investigation techniques, and operation and maintenance issues, including health, safety, and legal aspects.
The book can be ordered directly from the publishers using this link.
Selected other publications on groundwater control and geothermal systems are listed below. Highlighted text show, where available, links are provided to sites where the papers can be purchased or downloaded.
Preene, M (2021). Groundwater control for tunnelling projects. Tunnels & Tunnelling, June, 15–20.
Preene, M (2021). Conceptual modelling for the design of groundwater control systems. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 54, 2, May.
Preene, M (2020). Groundwater control for tunnel cross passages. Tunnels & Tunnelling, October, 14–18.
Preene, M and Powrie, W (2019). Assessment of permeability for design of groundwater control systems. Proceedings of the XVII ECSMGE, Geotechnical Engineering: Foundation of the Future, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2019.
Wesley, L D and Preene, M (2019). A historical perspective on unconfined seepage: correcting a common fallacy. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering History and Heritage 172, 2, May, 57–69.
Preene, M (2019). Design and interpretation of packer permeability tests for geotechnical purposes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 52, 2, May, 182–200.
Preene, M (2018). Introduction to Engineering in Chalk: The Chalk 2018 conference. Engineering in Chalk: Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference (Lawrence, J A, Preene, M, Lawrence, U L and Buckley, R (eds)). ICE Publishing, London 1–4.
Preene, M and Davey, A (2018). The Channel Tunnel Study Group – an Anglo French adventure in the Chalk. Engineering in Chalk: Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference (Lawrence, J A, Preene, M, Lawrence, U L and Buckley, R (eds)). ICE Publishing, London 579–585.
Preene, M, Roberts, T O L and Hartwell, D J (2018). Pumping tests for construction dewatering in chalk, Engineering in Chalk: Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference (Lawrence, J A, Preene, M, Lawrence, U L and Buckley, R (eds)). ICE Publishing, London 631–636.
Lawrence, J A, Preene, M, Lawrence, U L and Buckley, R (eds) (2018). Engineering in Chalk: Proceedings of the Chalk 2018 Conference. ICE Publishing, London.
Al Kaaoud, H, Singh, B, Marston, D, McQuaid, J, Devon, J, Preene, M, Hornbrook, J and Pope, G (2018). The Potential for Surface Mining a Heavy-Oil Reservoir: The Example of the Ratqa Lower Fars in the State of Kuwait. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/189455-PA .
Preene, M (2017). Dewatering. Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology (Bobrowsky, P T and Marker, M, eds). Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland.
Yungwirth, G, Austin, E, Preene, M, Corcoran, F and Birch, J (2017). Aquifer reinjection scheme for excess mine water: design methodology and outcomes. Mine Water and Circular Economy (Wolkersdorfer, C, Sartz, L, Sillanpää, M, and Häkkinen, A, Eds), Vol I, 389–396. Lappeenranta, Finland (Lappeenranta University of Technology).
Preene, M and Roberts, T O L (2017). Construction dewatering in Chalk. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering 170, 4, August, 367–390.
Preene, M (2016). Groundwater Control – A Distress Purchase that is Worth Getting Right. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, CIRIA Briefing, Ref 02-02-16, London.
Preene, M, Roberts, T O L and Powrie, W (2016). Groundwater Control – Design and Practice, 2nd Edition. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, CIRIA Report C750, London.
Preene, M (2015). Techniques and developments in quarry and surface mine dewatering. Proceedings of the 18th Extractive Industry Geology Conference 2014 and Technical Meeting 2015 (Hunger, E and Brown, T J, Eds). EIG Conferences Ltd, London, 194–206.
Preene, M and Fisher, S (2015). Keeping it under control. Geodrilling International Magazine, November 2015, 17–20., November 2015, 17–20.
Deed, M E R and Preene, M (2015). Managing the clogging of groundwater wells. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Edinburgh, September 2015.
Preene, M and Loots, E (2015). Optimisation of dewatering systems. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Edinburgh, September 2015.
Preene, M and Fisher, S (2015). Impacts from groundwater control in urban areas. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Edinburgh, September 2015.
Preene, M (2015). Dewatering Differences. World Tunnelling, July/August 2015, 19–21.
Williams, H and Preene, M (2015). Addressing sustainability in ground source heat pump projects. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, April 2015.
Preene, M and Younger, P L (2014). Can you take the heat? – Geothermal energy in mining. Mining Technology 123, 2, June 2014), 107–118..
Preene, M and Rohs, S (2013). In-situ hydraulic testing of low permeability materials. Geotechnical Issues in Construction (C Robinson, Q Spear, C Harding, A El-Hamalawi, Y Hsu, A O’Brien, K Higgins, P Scott, F Thomson, V Troughton, M Preene, S Rohs). Construction Industry Research and Information Association, CIRIA Report X526, London, 29–35.
Deed, M E R and Preene, M (2013). Groundwater asset management in the mining industry. 13th Groundwater Division Conference, Geological Society of South Africa, Durban, September 2013.
Yungwirth, G, Preene, M, Dobr, M and Forero Garcia, F (2013). Practical application and design considerations for fully grouted vibrating wire piezometers in minewater investigations. International Mine Water Association Conference – Reliable Mine Water Technology, Denver, Colorado, August 2013, Vol I, 229–237.
Cashman, P M and Preene, M (2012). Groundwater Lowering in Construction: A Practical Guide to Dewatering, 2nd edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 645pp.
Preene, M and Brown, D (2012). Potential for ground energy systems in the waste industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Waste and Resource Management 165, WR3, August, 115–121.
Preene, M (2012). Groundwater control. ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering Volume 2: Geotechnical Design, Construction and Verification (J Burland, T Chapman, H Skinner and M Brown, Eds). ICE Publishing, London, 1173–1190.
Preene, M (2011). Groundwater – the forgotten element of the ground? Geotechnical Issues in Construction (T Chapman, J Perry, N O’Riordan, M Preene, C Power, D Patterson, D Cox, A El-Hamalawi). Construction Industry Research and Information Association, CIRIA Report X512, London, 8–12.
Digges La Touche, G and Preene, M (2011). The potential use of ground energy in the mining industry – exploration to closure. Proceedings of the 11th International Mine Water Association Congress – Mine Water – Managing the Challenges, Aachen, Germany, September 2011, 161–166.
Preene, M and Digges La Touche, G (2010). Potential use of ground energy in the extractive industry. Proceedings of the 16th Extractive Industry Geology Conference (Hunger, E and Walton, G, Eds), EIG Conferences Ltd, 106–114.
Preene, M and Powrie, W (2009). Ground energy systems – delivering the potential. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Energy 162, EN2, May, 77–84.
Preene, M and Powrie, W (2009). Ground energy systems – from analysis to geotechnical design. Géotechnique 59, No. 3, 261– 271.
Preene, M (2008). Groundwater control for construction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water Management 161, WM6, December, 323–331.
Preene, M and Holmes, G (2008). Thermal response testing. Ground-Source Energy, Geodrilling International Special Publication, September 2008.
Preene, M, Wilson, A R and Richards, D J (2008). Ground source heat pumps in the waste industry. Proceedings Waste 2008: Waste and Resource Management – A Shared Responsibility, 353–363.
Digges La Touche, G and Preene, M (2008). Landfill sidewall drainage systems: design options. Proceedings Waste 2008: Waste and Resource Management – A Shared Responsibility, 593–602.
Preene, M (2008). Sustainable groundwater-source cooling for buildings. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability 161, ES2, June, 123–133.
Preene, M (2008). Groundwater impacts from engineering projects. Groundwater: A Resource at Risk? Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), Tullamore, Ireland.
Preene, M (2007). Sustainable geothermal systems – how do we get there? Ground-Source Energy, Geodrilling International Special Publication, September 2007.
Preene, M (2006). What lies beneath. Environmental Business 119, June, p27–28.
Preene, M (2006). Exploiting groundwater for low-carbon heating and cooling. Modern Building Services.
Preene, M (2006). Making use of groundwater: a way of heating and cooling buildings. Building Control 168, April, p16–19.
Preene, M (2006). Loop the loop. Ground Engineering 39, No. 4, April, p20–23.
Preene, M (2006). Talking point. Ground Engineering 39, No. 2, February p7.
Lancaster, J W, Preene, M, and Marshall, C T (2004). Development and Flood Risk – Guidance for the Construction Industry. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, CIRIA Report C524, London.
Preene M (2004). Robert Stephenson (1803–59) – the first groundwater engineer. 200 Years of British Hydrogeology (Mather, J D, Ed.). Geological Society Special Publication 225, London, 107–119.
Lancaster, J L, Scott, M, Elliott, C, Preene, M, and Marshall, C T (2004). Development and flood risk – guidance to the construction industry on putting planning policy guidance into practice. Proceedings of the 39th Defra Flood & Coastal Management Conference 2004, paper 02–2, 02.2.1–02.2.10.
Brassington, F C and Preene, M (2004). A horizontal wellpoint as a low-impact water source in a dune-sands aquifer. Water and Environmental Management Journal 18, No. 2, May, 102–106.
Brassington, F C and Preene, M (2003). The design, construction and testing of a horizontal wellpoint in a dune sands aquifer as a water source. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 36, Part 4, November, 355–366.
Brassington, F C and Preene, M (2003). Horizontal wellpoints – a water source for links golf courses. Turfgrass Bulletin 221, July, 5–7.
Preene, M and Brassington, F C (2003). Potential groundwater impacts from civil engineering works. Water and Environmental Management Journal 17, No. 1, March, 59–64.
Preene, M and Roberts, T O L (2002). Groundwater control for construction in the Lambeth Group. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 155, Oct., 221–227. (ICE Halcrow Prize 2003).
Brassington, F C and Preene, M (2002). A new type of water source for Southport and Ainsdale. Greenkeeper International, September, 18–22.
Preene, M (2001). Ground improvement by dewatering. Problematic Soils (I Jefferson, E J Murray, E Faragher and P R Fleming, Eds), Thomas Telford, London, 151–162.
Preene, M and Brassington, F C (2001). The inter-relationship between civil engineering works and groundwater protection. Protecting Groundwater. Environment Agency, National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre Project NC/00/10, Solihull, 313–320.
Cashman, P M and Preene, M (2001). Groundwater Lowering in Construction: A Practical Guide. Spon, London 476pp.
Preene, M and Brassington, F C (2001). Environmental regulation of groundwater abstraction for dewatering works. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 149, April, 75–76.
Preene, M (2000). Assessment of settlements caused by groundwater control. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 143, Oct., 177–190.
Preene, M, Roberts, T O L, Powrie, W and Dyer, M R (2000). Groundwater Control – Design and Practice. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, CIRIA Report C515, London.
Preene, M (1999). EA tightens up dewatering rules. Ground Engineering 32, No. 9, Sept., p25.
Preene, M (1997). Introduction to Cashman, P M Control Of groundwater by groundwater lowering. (Reduction of a chapter from "Methods Of Treatment Of Unstable Ground", Butterworth-Heinemann, 1975). Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 125, 1, January, 1–8.
Preene, M (1996). Introduction to Ward, W H (1957) The use of simple relief wells in reducing water pressure beneath a trench excavation. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 119, 4, October, 231–236.
Preene, M (1996). Ejector feat. Ground Engineering 29, No. 4, May, p16.
Roberts, T O L and Preene, M (1994). The design of groundwater control systems using the observational method. Géotechnique 44, No. 4, Dec., 727–734.
Preene, M (1994). Sir Harold Harding on the choice of expedients in civil engineering construction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 107, Oct., 223–239.
Powrie, W, and Preene, M (1994). Performance of ejectors in construction dewatering systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 107, July, 143–154. (BGS Prize 1994).
Powrie, W and Preene, M (1994). Time-drawdown behaviour of construction dewatering systems in fine soils. Géotechnique 44, No. 1, Mar., 83–100. (BGS Prize 1994).
Preene, M and Powrie, W (1994). Construction dewatering in low-permeability soils: some problems and solutions. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Geotechnical Engineering 107, Jan., 17–26. (BGS Prize 1994 & ICE Robert Alfred Carr Premium 1995).
Preene, M and Roberts, T O L (1994). The application of pumping tests to the design of construction dewatering systems. Groundwater Problems in Urban Areas (W B Wilkinson, Ed.), Institution of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford, London, 121–133.
Roberts, T O L and Preene, M (1994). Range of application of construction dewatering systems. Groundwater Problems in Urban Areas (W B Wilkinson, Ed.), Institution of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford, London, 415–423.
Powrie, W, White, J K and Preene, M (1993). The Design of Pore Pressure Control Systems in Fine Soils. Construction Industry Research and Information Association CIRIA Project Report No. 10, London.
Preene, M (1993). Case studies of construction dewatering in fine grained Eocene soils. Ground Engineering 26, No. 7, Sept., 23–27.
Preene, M and Powrie, W (1993). Steady-state performance of construction dewatering systems in fine soils. Géotechnique 43, No. 2, June, 191–206. (BGS Prize 1994).
Powrie, W and Preene, M (1992). Equivalent well analysis of construction dewatering systems. Géotechnique 42, No. 4, Dec., 635–639.
Roberts, T O L and Preene, M (1990). Case studies of construction dewatering in chalk. Chalk, Thomas Telford, London, 571–575.